JoeEmail - 0.9.107

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Note to Programmers

The objective of JoeEmail is to have a moderately featured email client that, for certain users, can replace Outlook, Outlook Express, or any other client they currently use for email.

What I mean by "certain users" is mainly me.  Once I can stop using OE, then I figure that users like most of my family members and friends can use it for their email client and thus make the world a little less profitable for spammers.

This is a work in progress.  It's not well documented; parts of it are not very efficient.  No doubt it could use a complete rewrite already, but hey- it works for me and that's why I'm doing it. 

JoeEmail  is a VB6 project.  I've tried to keep mostly to controls and references that should be on a typical windows machine of recent vintage.  For POP3 and SMTP I am using the Chilkat Email control.  When I started JoeEmail this control was free, however recently things have changed and there is now a cost for the Chilkat Email control.  Matt Fausey has agreed to make the control available for free for official developers of JoeEmail.  If you are interested in becoming an official developer, please contact me directly.

As mentioned in the release notes for version 0.9.107, this incarnation of JoeEmail is at the end of it's life cycle.  It is a proof of concept model that, to me, has well proven the effectiveness of this sort of spam filtering.  It has also proven to me that writing an email client is a much bigger chore than I had thought.  At any rate, I'm working on fixing design flaws and then will move into implementing a new, improved version- likely to be a .Net project.

Latest release info at:

Uses: Chilkat Email Component

Comments, suggestions, enhancements welcome.